Email MIJPME for further information.

Mid-Islanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (MIJPME) is located in the mid-island region of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. People from Courtenay to Duncan join with us and attend our events.
Current events organized, supported or sponsored by MIJPME include:
- MIJPME hosts a discussion group in the Comox Valley to explore, learn and expand our understanding of the complexities regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Those who participate recommend and review various resources – video/books/articles – and then gather monthly to discuss in a thoughtful and respectful manner. We meet one Monday evening a month in Courtenay. ContactJudy Goldschmidt at 250-331-9391.
- Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, author of I Shall not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey, and keynote speaker at the Conference on Apology and Forgiveness, April 26, 2012 in Courtenay, BC.
- Israeli historian Ilan Pappé speaks on The False Paradigm of Peace: Revisiting the Palestine Question in Victoria, May 5, 2012.
- Past events organzed or sponsored by MIJPME:
- Kevin Neish, participant on the Mavi Marmara, Gaza Freedom flotilla, in 2010
- Sid Shniad, Independent Jewish Voices
- Michael Keefer – Author of Anti-Semitism: Real and Imagined
- Robert Massoud – Zatoun Palestinian Olive Oil
- Cindy Sheehan, US Peace Activist
- Sponsorship of Amira Hass, Israeli journalist, to Victoria, BC in partnership with Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
- MIJPME had the honour of bringing Leon Rosselson, English Folksinger and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions supporter to Nanaimo in July 2011
- Members also participate monthly in Women in Black street actions in downtown Nanaimo, carrying signs calling for a “Free Gaza” and to “Stop to the Occupation of Palestine.”